Monday, September 26, 2005

Weekend warriors....

Here are some "Peace" protesters supporting the troops!

Well, I suppose I shall have to say something about the protesters in D.C.

I watched the news. They truly looked like they were having a good time. Good for them.

My concern, is not that they protested. I support that right, I may want to throw large breakables at their heads, but I do not begrudge them the right to free speech. Nor should they begrudge my right to say I dream of the day when they all go to Canada/Europe as promised last November.What I have a concern about, is the adverse effects on our troops.

Now, If I were serving in the military, and had just returned from Iraq and saw and heard what went on there, I would have no doubt in my mind, that these people did NOT support me in any way. If there is anyone turning this war into another Vietnam, it's the left. Unfortunately, I see military personnel already getting spit on by those opposed to the war. Nice. I can't understand how one can "support the troops" and yet not what they fight for. Talk about hypocritical.

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