Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Jimmy Carter Sucks

Jimmy "Peanut Farmer" Carter has opened his pie hole once again and this time he riled me up something plenty.

It's bad enough that common, average, garden variety dipsh*t liberals spout off on things they know nothing about, but this IDIOT, this imbecile, had the donkey sized balls to utter this,"Our country always had a policy of not going to war unless our own security was directly threatened and now we have a new policy of going to war on a preemptive basis."

Newsflash sh*tbrick, WE WERE ATTACKED. Anyone want to recall what happened after Pearl Harbor?????? Apparently Jimmy doesn't remember.

Then, this pea brained nut job went on to say......"the concerns I exposed have gotten even worse now with the United States supporting and encouraging Israel in its unjustified attack on Lebanon."

Un-F-ing justified????????? What f-ing planet have you been on? Guess what f*cker, the attack was on HIZ-BOLLOCKS, they are the ones who are ultimately responsible for any civilian deaths. Hell, Israel was kind enough to spread leaflets before bombing the f*ck out of their stupid terrorist Muzzie asses. I wouldn't have been so kind. I'd have just carpet bombed the entire southern region.

Know what Jimmy? Go f*ck yourself.

Want to get pissed off big time..... go here......

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