Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Oh Crap, Not Baldwin Again

It's bad enough that the Hollyweird youth all hang out in clubs and bars every night though a vast majority are under 21. (Pisses me off. I had to shoulder tap and bribe the corner market to get booze.) Or that when one of the Hollyweird elite gets popped on a DUI, they don't get reamed like us normal folk. I mean heck, if I'd stolen a porn tape featuring myself from the newstand, AND WAS CAUGHT ON TAPE DOING IT, I'd probably be in jail.(PARIS).

But now, one of their little darlings (and top F.A.G. member) feels he should get a pass to cross police lines at an accident site. "Actor" Alec Baldwin tries to pass a police cordon near the site where a small aircraft crashed into a high-rise building in New York, October 11, 2006."

Photo courtesy of Al Reuters

What a vile piece of human refuse.

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