Thursday, January 10, 2008

Evil Gay Hating Boyscout Saves The Day

The liberal left in this country has been attacking Boy Scouts for years. Here in San Diego, the Boy Scouts who do untold humanitarian and environmental good, have been forced out of their lease at Balboa Park and have been on the run from the ACLU and like groups for years.

Why? Because the Boy Scouts, a PRIVATE organization, chooses to not allow gay scouts. It's that simple. They are evil because they choose to be gay free. Now of course gay's are allowed, just like blacks, to have "gay only" groups and organizations, but not the Boy Scouts.

I say fuck that shit.

The 15-year-old Boy Scout who saved the president of this Indian Ocean archipelago from a knife-wielding attacker said Thursday the assailant shouted "God is Great" before the assault.

Mohammed Jaisham Ibrahim's account matches stories filtering out of the remote island where the incident took place and is likely to heighten concerns about rising Islamic militancy in the country best known for high-end resorts and stunning coral reefs.

"The Scouts saying is 'Be prepared.' I was prepared," he said, referring to the motto of the international Boy Scout movement.

It has clearly become a well-practiced line for the boy, whose quick- thinking heroics have earned him acclaim across this sparsely populated archipelago.

"Every person in the world knows about our Boy Scout," gushed Rilwan Tholal, a 36-year-old shop owner in Male."

Leave the Boy Scouts alone.

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