Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Our 89% Loathed Democrat Run Congress

nanacy pelosi, congress
89% of Americans think the Democrat run congress led by Nancy "Nanny State" Pelosi is a complete and total crock of poo poo ca ca. Other wise know as shit.

They have had a year+ to practice some of that "change" all their candidates are promising us if elected later this year.

They were elected by their constituents to stop funding our troops fighting our aggressors, increase our taxes and pander to criminal invaders! They were hired by the asshat Lefties of America to have not so discreet sexual indiscretions that will be ignored by the Lame Stream Media, to force nanny state laws like booze bans and smoking bans!

And while they HAVE been successful on most of those....everything that actually would make 89% of the country like them, they have failed miserably on.

But wait, redemption is theirs...Nanny Pelosi has come to the rescue with some real CHANGE!

"The once dreary congressional cafeterias now abound with haute cuisine.

The menu transformation is part of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “Greening the Capitol” plan to make the House campus more environmentally friendly and socially progressive.

There is pan-roasted Chesapeake rockfish with sweet potato fennel hash and yellow pepper relish. Pears with Stilton cheese and watercress. Cumin-scented leg of lamb with almond couscous. There are vegetables with funny names, like bok choy, arugula and jicama. There are baked goods with Italian names, like biscotti, focaccia and frittati.

Republican aides have raised questions about why the cafeterias now stock Stonyfield Farm yogurt, speculating that the move would line the pockets of the company’s CEO, Gary Hirshberg, a significant player in Democratic politics."

Clearly with sky rocketing oil prices, criminal invaders shutting down schools and hospitals and the fact that come November the morons of America will vote in a tax and spend Liberal...Clearly, haute cuisine was the number one priority. Clearly.

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