Caroline Kennedy's credentials debated in Senate bid.....NO NOT ANOTHER KENNEDY!!!
"Federal investigators in Alaska say an accelerant was poured around the exterior of Gov. Sarah Palin's home church before it was heavily damaged by a fire." Militant Gays? Bitter leftards? Homegrown terrorists?
Awwwwww...."In an exclusive interview with ABC News, a reflective Vice President Dick Cheney praised President-elect Barack Obama's national security team and admitted he's changed during his time in office." Change You Can Believe In!!!!
Ungrateful Iraqi douche bags whine and bitch as we support their entire country. These feckless losers have no memory. They can't even remember that just 8 years ago signs of dissent would have been met with a sure death sentence.
Anti-Prop 8 goons kill restaurants business. Ruin lives. This is what happens when you force your ideals on others.
WTH is it with corrupt Democrats? They just can't deal when caught. Look at Frank, Jefferson, Stubbs, now Blagojevich. "Blagojevich, who has ignored strident calls to resign from Obama and virtually every lawmaker in the state, defiantly signed 11 bills into law Monday -- including one mentioned in the 76-page FBI complaint against him. And he hired a bulldog defense attorney, Ed Genson, with a history of taking tough cases to trial." Unbelievable.
From the Religion of Peace..."French police neutralized five sticks of explosives discovered in the restrooms of a prestigious department store in Paris on Tuesday following a warning from a group demanding the withdrawal of French troops from Afghanistan."
Another worthless Democrap..."With the winner of Minnesota's U.S. Senate race still a mystery, a five-member board now steps in to see if a winner can be decided between rivals Norm Coleman and Al Franken." GIVE IT UP FRANKEN YOU LOST!!!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday News Round Up
Posted by Unknown at 12/16/2008 07:16:00 AM
Labels: Merry Christmas, News
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