Waiter Charged Over Arabic Chant at Jewish Wedding....Yeah right, he claims he was "just playing the chant for a friend...." Rubbish.
Bush says goodbye....I say good riddance.
Biden visit's Iraq, his handlers keep him silent.
Do they really think this scum sucking pile of refuse ISN'T a flight risk? Judge Allows Madoff to Remain Free on Bail....
SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!! Obama climate czar has socialist ties.....are we shocked? If you think Bush is a socialist, just wait till Barry get's going! "Carol M. Browner, President-elect Barack Obama's pick as global warming czar, was listed as one of 14 leaders of a socialist group's Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for "global governance" and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change." VIVA LA SOCIALISM!
Bailout-a-palooza!!! Bush Agrees to Request Additional $350 Billion in Financial Bailout Money......
Nanny Stating us to DEATH!!!"A national safety group is advocating a total ban on cell phone use while driving, saying the practice is clearly dangerous and leads to fatalities."
The ever vile and putrid Hamas further demonstrates just how low they will go..."Hamas is using Gaza's Shifa Hospital as a meeting place and even distributed salaries to its operatives there over the weekend." That's right, they are hiding out in a hospital. Sick scum sucking bottom feeders.
Not to be outdone, Iran makes sure it's feelings are known...Iran warns Hamas not to accept truce.
And last but certainly not least...the Prince Harry flap about his supposed "racist" BS. That is exactly what it is BS. People need to grow the hell up. This politically correct over sensitivity is ludicrous. "Britain's Prince Harry apologized over the weekend after a newspaper released video footage of him calling an army colleague a "Paki" and telling another he looked like a "raghead." His friend IS in fact a PAKI, and the other guys DOES in fact look like a raghead. Harry was just telling it like it is. Damn. Relax people.
Housing, Building Codes, and State-Level Reform
19 hours ago