Thursday, February 05, 2009

Return Of The Fairness Doctrine

And so it shall be that the Democrats have taken over the country and they are going to stick it to "da man" (namely Rush Limbaugh et al.) VIA POLITICO:

"This morning, radio host Bill Press brought up the recent closing of liberal station Obama 1260 when speaking with Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow, and talked about whether there needs to be a balance to right-wing talk on the radio dial.

BILL PRESS: Yeah, I mean, look: They have a right to say that. They’ve got a right to express that. But, they should not be the only voices heard. So, is it time to bring back the Fairness Doctrine?

SENATOR DEBBIE STABENOW (D-MI): I think it’s absolutely time to pass a standard. Now, whether it’s called the Fairness Standard, whether it’s called something else — I absolutely think it’s time to be bringing accountability to the airwaves. I mean, our new president has talked rightly about accountability and transparency. You know, that we all have to step up and be responsible. And, I think in this case, there needs to be some accountability and standards put in place.

BILL PRESS: Can we count on you to push for some hearings in the United States Senate this year, to bring these owners in and hold them accountable?

SENATOR DEBBIE STABENOW (D-MI): I have already had some discussions with colleagues and, you know, I feel like that’s gonna happen. Yep.

Although Obama has been publicly opposed to reinstating the fairness doctrine, conservative radio has talked nonstop about the fear of it returning (or perhaps something like it with another name) while there's a Democrat in the White House and a Democratic majority in Congress."

UPDATE: A commenter points out that Stabenow is married to Tom Athans, a liberal talk radio executive."

So much for freedom of speech. Libtards are completely boring to listen to. Their caterwauling and cries of injustice are lame, tiring and clearly NOT what people are in the least bit interested in listening to. Hence the fact that Libtard radio stations are closing down faster than a nunnery in Las Vegas would.