Monday, April 27, 2009

Is Disney Racist?

That's the question of the day, is Disney racist? Well of course they aren't but race card playing losers are claiming they are.

"The studio, known for its wholesome and predominantly white family values, has made several changes to its first African-American princess, Tiana, who will star in a new animated film this Christmas entitled "The Princess and the Frog," amid accusations of racial insensitivity.

Disney has already changed the profession of the princess (an aspiring restaurant entrepreneur instead of a chambermaid) and name (Tiana instead of Maddy, which critics thought was too similar to “Mammy," a once-common term for black female slaves in white households).

The controversy has intensified after it was revealed that the film would be set in New Orleans and that Tiana would find love with a white prince — well, almost. His skin has been described as olive-toned and he will be voiced by Bruno Campos, a Brazilian actor."

And how does that make him white? And Maddy is close to Mammy? And blah, blah, blah. Seriously do these "critics" have 2x4 sticks up their collective arses?

Of course Disney isn't much better than the ones complaining in that they bent over and took it and changed much of their movie to appease to gods of political correctness.


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