Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Obama's 9/11 Blunder: Airplane Terror- UPDATED

OMG- UPDATED AGAIN: "The cost of the frivolous flight was about $60,000 an hour and that was just for Air Force One. That doesn't include the cost of the two F-16s that came along. The flyover -- apparently ordered by the White House Office of Military Affairs so it would have souvenir photos of Air Force One with the Statue of Liberty in the background..." $60,000 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!! MOTHER BLEEPING SON OF A BLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama's administration decided it would be a good idea to get some cool photo's of Air Force One apparently re-enacting 9-11???? If his administration hadn't already shown itself as totally inept, this would be shocking. I mean what kind of frigging moron would approve this idea?

"An Air Force One lookalike, the backup plane for the one regularly used by the president, flew low over parts of New York and New Jersey on Monday morning, accompanied by two F-16 fighters, so Air Force photographers could take pictures high above the New York harbor.

But the exercise — conducted without any notification to the public — caused momentary panic in some quarters and led to the evacuation of several buildings in Lower Manhattan and Jersey City."

Dumbest stunt ever pulled by any administration.


As I watch this my blood ran cold at the fear you could hear in the people's voices. Even my eyes started to water at the memories it bought back. Look what this did to them. We are far from healed and this has to be the most f-ing stupid thing any administration has ever done.

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