Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama's First 100 Days: 100 Screw Ups

Porkulous, fake Presidential seal, Mr. Teleprompter man, 9/11 remake for some souvenir photos? Bowing to King Abdullah, calling America arrogant, The Apology Tour '09. "No More Earmarks- Except these 9000. White House to control census, the "smart grid", .0027% budget cuts for Cabinet, Armenian Genocide???

Hugo and Barry together forever, Daniel Ortega's 50 minute anti-American rant and his response...AIG BONUSES- SHOCKING (only I approved them uh...). Let's all be friends, but, I WON!!! Cabinet and czar appointee's that are tax evaders and other various criminal offenses. "We will not prosecute....well, maybe we will." Bill Richardson, Timothy Geithner, Annette Nazareth, Caroline Atkinson, Louis Susman, Nancy Killefer, Daschle, Power,Carrion .

Open and transparent? I think one outside the feds are allowedto see the 2010 budget data. Raul? Fidel? Same thing right? It was like the Special Olympics, still campaigning, got an ambassador to the Vatican yet? Abortions for foreigners on our dime, Napalitano,"There's drug violence on the border? Say it isn't so!" Firing Rick Wagoner. Cuba.

Shelter dog, we don't need no stinkin' shelter dog. Obama White House has closed the press award ceremony to the press! LOL. First president in 60+ years to skip the Heroes Ball on Inaugural night. Spent hundreds of millions ON inaugural day, plus the tens of thousands of tons of trash left behind. Not to mention he stole his speach,(he steals all his speeches) this time from George Bush.

Blame Bush, NAFTA, 9,000 gallons of fuel on Earth Day, troops get your own insurance, 90% of guns in Mexico come from the US, nah, try about 17%. Joe Biden. Ipod to the Queen, DVD's, threats to those who do not obey,""Don't think we're not keeping score, brother." It's cold get over it, while you DIE. Taking on Rush.

Closing GITMO, total subversion of the free market, this year's budget deficit: $1.5 trillion+. Unaware of Tea Parties my arse. PASS STIMULUS NOW, while I take a 3 day vacation. Releasing CIA memos, 60 minutes... "Are you punch drunk?" No lobbyist, except THESE 17. NO Jesus allowed. hicago has yet to recoup the $1.74 million cost of President Obama's victory celebration in Grant Park. The Justice Department is asking the Supreme Court to overrule Michigan v. Jackson...BAD!

Questions don't ask me no stinkin' questions. "And I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it." It was a German stupid. Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Pakistan.

TAKE YOUR TARP money, or else. "In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world." LOL, amidst riots and stuff. How many Prime Time press conferences does Mr. Ego need? To the tune of millions in lost revenue. Down down 7000 points.

That's just the first half.

And his grades? From the Wall Street Journal as of Noon 4/29:

A (13%)1230
B (4%)366
C (3%) 304
D (11%) 1081
F (69%) 6612

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