Friday, April 24, 2009

Pentagon To Release Alleged Prisoner Abuse Photos

I'm starting to wonder where my country went:

"The Pentagon on Thursday agreed to release photos showing the treatment of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq, images that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) says prove that detainee abuse was widespread during the Bush administration."

The ACLU does not in any way represent "the people" of American or America's best interests. All this does is provide more fodder for Jihadi video's and recruitment. Way to go ACLU.

What is really pissing me off in the extreme is all these pansies whining about "torture" or "enhanced interrogation techniques" are stone cold silent on the torture performed on Americans by those we are detaining. Need examples???

Let me refresh your memory:
Nick Berg; innocent American, civilian contractor:

Here we have three innocent American civilian contractors who were brutally tortured, before being burned, drug through the streets and hung from a bridge, where they were pelted with shoes and people celebrated their deaths. I am STILL awaiting the outrage from the left over THIS TORTURE:

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