I of Coors was watching Billy Boy last night just for shits and giggles, and he brought up the interesting topic of Anti-Christian bias.
Just for old times sake, I will again re-iterate the fact that I am an atheist, agnostic at best,(I believe in Darwin and the Big Bang.)But.......
We've got the left, the media, and the A.C.L.U.(all the same if you ask me) crucifying(pun intended) President Bush for his beliefs in God. Here we've got this group of people who preach love, understanding and freedom of expression, yet they bash the holy heck outta God fearin' Republicans right and left.
Here is one choice quote in regard to our president I've heard from several lefties: "Sheepf*cker"
Not to mention the fact that the A.C.L.U(-eless)is trying to take away Christmas. How dare they screw with my love for cone shaped conifers with bright little lights on them and brightly wrapped packages baring gifts, for me!!! Bastards.
But seriously. The left and the A.C.L.U. are rabid in their fight to stamp out all that's Christian, and it seems a little biased to me. You know, just a bit.Google for 5 minutes and you can see the bias right there in front of you. Heaven forbid, if you tried to shut up a wailing pro-illegal immigrant racist, the A.C.L.U. would be up your butt in 2 seconds, but if you utter the words,"Merry Christmas", your ass will be in a sling.Seems a bit off.
Government Racial Categories Are (at Best) Pointless
15 hours ago