So, let me see if I have this right.Possible indictments of top government officials is now occasion for a holiday?
The blogosphere has been ripe with witty repartee on the upcoming "indictments". Talk of taking the day off work. Ordering champagne, getting caters in. DailyKos( a load of bollocks if you ask me) had a wonderful top ten list. I could see the drool oozing from my monitor.
I find it funny that the left gets all het up when one of their own is called to the mat-All defensive like a mother hen and her chicks. But you have Republicans in trouble and it's,"Get the whip cream and confetti darlin' there's a party a comin' to town."
I feel kind of dirty when I see what they write. They seem to forget that we are at war, albeit, they believe it's an "illegal" war, and this is the time to support your country, not dance in a field of daisy's in glee that our government may POSSIBLY have done something. I mean, it's not like anything has been proven, yet, right, or did I miss something.
Housing, Building Codes, and State-Level Reform
17 hours ago