Along with the failing Air America, the whole Democrapic party seems to be begging for money on the level of the street kids in Ocean Beach. The only thing different from the street beggers in O.B. and the Democraps is that the beggars in O.B. at least do something to entertain me for a few bucks. They sing, play an instrument, dance a jig, sell funky bracelets. The Democraps only provide mildly entertaining rehetoric for me to mock. Not much, and certainly not worth giving my hard earned scratch to.
Here we see Mr.John "I was in Vietnam for 4 months and got a boo boo on my ass, so they gave me some pretty ribbons" Kerry, begging for dough. Sad.
Dear Jane,(I of course didn't use my real name)
Incompetence. Indictments. Misguided policies. Misplaced priorities.(**I love it when they talk about themselves in such a self effacing way.)
Hour by hour, the Republicans who control Washington give us more reasons to pour our hearts and souls into winning the 2006 elections. The bottom line: If we want to change America's course, we've got to change the face of Congress.(**Yeah, because we are really a party with no Keg Meister right now.)
Right now -- with the clock ticking toward the midnight tonight deadline -- you have a special opportunity to help key Democrats move their campaigns forward.
Make a contribution
Keeping America's Promise is focusing its attention on four key races. Thousands of people have already stepped forward to help. It's not too late for you to join them. But, you've got to act fast.(***Baaah Baaaah Baaaah, good little sheep give us your money.)
Make a contribution
Give to the candidate you feel strongest about supporting. Or donate to all four. But, whatever you do, act now.(***Yes, please, remember you promised to move to a foriegn country if your candidate did not win the 2004 election, yet, surprisingly, you are still here.)
John Kerry (***My wife told me she will no longer pay the gas money for any of my SUV'S, I need the cash!!!)
53 happy memories upon turning 53
22 hours ago