While helping out on the recent campaign for Mayor here in San Diego, I was given the opportunity to really speak to "the people." I spoke to old and young alike. Supporters of my candidate, and non-supporters.
What I found, standing on a corner between a high school and a middle school, is that the youth in this country frightens me.
One kid, probably about 10-12 years old walked up to me and said, "Jerry Sanders SUCKS!!!!" Now, since he had to wait until till the light changed, he was stuck there.
Here's about how this conversation went:
ME: Why do you think he sucks?
Kid: Because he's a Republican!!!
Me: Can you tell me what a Republican is?
Kid: (Pause......) Uh, they are bad. (So he doesn't actually know what one is).
Me: Why would you think they are bad?
Kid: Because my teacher said so.
Me: Why don't you try to form your own opinion? Do I seem bad?
Kid: No.
Me: I'm a Republican.
Kid: Really?
Me: Yes.
Kid: Oh. So Jerry Sanders, he's not bad?
Me: Nope.
Kid: Donna Frye(the opposing candidate)Sucks!!!!
And off he goes.
Really scary, this is our future?
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