I wrote this a few weeks ago while inebriated. It's not very good, but frankly I think it about sums up my take on the current administration.
Dear Mr. President,
I am a proud American. From the time I was old enough to understand, I have always felt a fierce pride in my country. I cry when they sing the national anthem, I feel hope when I see our beautiful flag.
I love the vastness and exquisiteness of this nation from the awesome beauty of the Sierra-Nevada's, to the low lying plains in the Midwest. The glorious shine of the Pacific on a sunny day, and the warm humidity of a lazy day spent on a Maryland farm. The sights of New York and the mellow green of Eugene bring me joy and comfort.
The strength and courage of our people comes through in the worst of times, and the best.
When I was younger, I was idealistic, and believed that diplomacy, courtesy and communication were the only way to achieve our goals, and maintain peace in our time.
I marched against your fathers war in Iraq. Hating the thought of one single American dying in a war that seemed to be none of our business at the time. Many claimed it was an unjust war, and I, and my brethren believed. We were idealistic, hoping. We were angry, was your father going to institute the draft? We were told you would.
We were told it was another Vietnam. We were told that any war was unjustified. We were told that your father was a horrible man, who lied, cheated and stole. Who cut funding to the poor, cut education funding, cut everything. We were taught to believe that nothing your father's administration did was just.
Then several years and a few park benches and college education later, I realized something.I educated myself. I stopped just drinking the cherry flavored Kool-Aid fed to me by the left, and woke up. I read, researched, learned.
By this time, the road of life had dealt me many unfavorable hits, and I kept rolling. Learning, listening to people.
I realized this:
I am the only one responsible for me.
I should never depend on the government to give me a dime.
I want it, I get it for myself.
If you want an education, earn it.
Big government sucks.
Affirmative action is racist.
Don't blame the rich, they got what they worked for.
War, is necessary, ask the Iraqi's I helped kill by being part of the anti-Gulf War crowd.
There is always going to be a child left behind.
Politicians are all assholes. And they all lie.
The far left is deranged and delusional.
Don't believe everything you're told.
It's not always as bad as it seems.
Know thine enemy.
Conspiracy theorists are only right about .0000734% of the time.
We need to close our borders.
Stop feeding the welfare nation.
And get real.
You, Mr. President, are just like any other politician. Your flip flops aren't as conspicuous as Kerry's were, but they are just as bad.
You spend money like a drunken sailor on shore leave, you pander to Vicente Fox, and you have the verbal skills of a hamster on crack.
I voted for a man who promised to cut the pork. I voted for a president who promised to work on our welfare nation, social security(though I am aware of the huge resistance from the left). I voted for a man who promised to work on ejecting illegal immigrants who bleed dry the over taxed system, who suck up badly needed educational dollars, medical benefits for legal citizens, and plague our police, border patrol, and lives.
You talk of more war, finish what you started first.
I learned years ago, that diplomacy does not always work, I got real. But you fail in every way to be a true Republican.
Instead of telling it like it is, you tell it like you think people want to hear.
If there were some way of you running again, I tell you now, I would not vote for you.
It's not your job to tell me, as a free American, what I can or cannot do with my own body. It's not your job to dictate to the scientific community how to do their jobs. It's not your job to stand on high and preach to me, if I wanted to go to church, I would.
You have taken the Republican party to the lowest depths, and for that I am very disappointed.
You make me sad, not ashamed, but sad to be an American. You take away my hope, and my light with every lie you tell.You spit on my love for this country with every dollar you spend that my grandchildren will pay.
Please, Mr. President,step down, and give the job to a real Republican, it's our only hope.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Dear Mr. President
Posted by Unknown at 2/08/2006 07:59:00 AM
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