Yes, I guess I am cruel and heartless. I have little to no pity for the "victims" of Hurricane Katrina. Let's make this part very clear for some of the snarky little liberals who visit here, and then repost what I write, leaving out crucial details, like this:I have great sorrow, and great sadness for those who tried to leave or just couldn't leave New Orleans.Those who tried, those who died. Here I address those too lazy to leave. The low life vermin, sucking the government dry like so many leeches.
Now, moving on, a vast majority of the people that stayed, stayed because they chose to. How do I know this? Well, I was watching the news, and they interviewed a whole crapload of these "poor victims", and most, if not all said about the same thing,"Well, we thought it wouldn't be so bad, we decided to stay." Contrary to the mandatory evac. order that was in place.
I have a REALLY hard time feeling one single iota of pity for these people, who are all, or most of them anyway,still holding their hand out for their monthly government cheese.
And I have the right to feel as I do. I lost the place I lived in and every single thing in it last year. We had very little savings. We had to live in a hotel. But, we sucked it up, worked hard, got a place to live and all without a single dime of aid, from anyone. In less than 2 weeks.
So what the hell is the excuse of most of these people still sucking up government funds, now, almost 4 months later? I saw many on T.V. yesterday as they finally got rightfully booted from their hotel rooms. All of them looked completely able to hold a job. All looked fit and well fed. All of them.
Then we find out that many of these same people used their $2,000 debit cards, not for needed items, but for jewelry, tattoos, porn and booze. That's all well and good, if it's your money, but how dare you spend MY MONEY on luxuries, when I have to do without. That, my friends, is a load of horse puckey. I sure as hell hope they arrest these people and throw them the heck in the slammer. Or even better, make them work to rebuild the city many of them looted and burned. Until they pay their debt.
Flame away.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I am heartless and evil! Yea!
Posted by Unknown at 2/14/2006 12:15:00 PM
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