4:57- I pop the cap off my third bottle of IPA, sit down and turn on the tube. Apparently the pundits already know what he's going to say. My bitterness is already evident, as the word AMNESTY is being bandied about. F-ck amnesty. H*ll I know what he's going to say.
4:59-Let the pandering begin.....
5:01- Blue power tie. I like the blue tie. Much better than the red. He is kinda cute.
5:02- Acknowledges how pissed most Americans are about illegals. Then ignores that anger.
5:03- Yes, our borders suck, and yes, they need help, gee, thanks for telling us something we don't know. Did Bush get a nose job? He's starting to look like Michael Jackson. Nation of immigrants!!!! I'm not an immigrant. I am an AMERICAN!!!! Why the h-e-double hockey sticks does everyone try to peg Americans as immigrants. Unless you came here from another country, YOU ARE NOT AN IMMIGRANT.
5:04- Yeah, secure borders!!! Shut that border!!! No duh we need secured borders, we need them yesterday.
5:05-Sent home 6 million? So what, they come back across the next day. HELL-OOOOO! What good is it sending anyone back anywhere when they cross the border again the next day?
5:06-He does love that term;"HIGH TECH". Oh, and "technology". Maybe if instead of talking about it we used it, things would get better?
5:07-G.W.O.T., couldn't make a speech without remarking on it. Has no place in this issue. Really it doesn't. This is an issue that was a problem before 9/11 and has only gotten worse.
5:08-More funding to border towns!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's big. Let's see the cash. Now. Don't talk, I want to see action.
5:09-Other country? Only gaffe of the night.
5:10-Screw catch and release. Yeah!!!! It's about time. It hasn't and doesn't work. If I were going to break the law to get into a country, I certainly wouldn't show up in court the next day to answer charges, when I know I can go get a job, free schooling and health care if I just ignore my summons.
5:11-Gratuitous pandering to the poor law breakers. Temporary work program? Get 'em out first then,THEN, let them in. Any "guest worker" program, or path to citizenship for illegals is amnesty in my book.
5:11- CYA on business owners...Oh, they can't identify illegals? B.S. Bushy boy, they know they are hiring illegals. But, a few good points here. But now he backs off.....arrgghhhhhhh!!!!!!!! He seemed like he was growing a pair, then lost it.
5:13-Good luck trying to collect those penalties. Law breakers will keep breaking the law, they are not going to step forword and pay any "fines". All the money get's sent home.
*******5:14-ENGLISH ONLY. He now says, if they learn English, then they'll get better jobs??? Wasn't the point of them being here that they do the jobs that no one wants to do?????? We have enough people to work the "better" jobs. This point really pissed me off. ********
5:16-Gratuitous soldier shout out. Ah, come on. That's low. No one has issues with those who come here to fight for our country, they have issues with the scum that flows across the border. Those that spit on our flag.
All in all, it was o.k., but my dog could have written that speech. Kiss, kiss to the left and kiss, kiss to the right. I want a president with a pair of balls. I didn't get that out of this speech.
Ring Ring... Hey Bush, that's Vicente on the phone again telling you what to do.
Should the US Scrap the Presidency?
20 hours ago