"Progressive", "Liberal","Democrat"...... whatever they call themselves this week. They're all pretty much the same. This, I know. The comment section of this blog alone, reads like a lefty handbook to idiocy.
One of the reasons I grew to loathe the left and began this blog, is their complete inability to do anything but criticize the right. They offer no options, no explanations, no suggestions, nothing. Well, nothing but B.S. rhetoric that does little more than drag national moral down to the gutter from which they crawled. All delivered with a hefty dose of superiority complex.
So, it was my pleasure today, while visiting the S.D. County Fair, to poke the proverbial lefty bear.
There they were like a glistening cow pie. In their shiny blue booth spewing forth their hate filled rhetoric. Like a magnet pulling I had to go.... To the live broadcast booth of the local "Progressive" radio station.
So the guy was talking the usual crap...9/11:Our fault. Iraq: "QUAGMIRE!!!!!"
BLAH, FRIGGIN' BLAH,BLAH, Bush sucks.....
So I sat there, mesmerized by this man's stupidity, wondering how much he got paid for being an idiot, when I started heckling him... I couldn't stop myself. There he was, the enemy, live, on the radio (for his audience of 2, I'm sure.)
I won't go into it all, but I said, loudly,"So, how would YOU have handled it!!!!!".
People were looking at him, at me. As steam from the pan fried chicken stand swirled around us, as usual, he ignored me (with a dismissive eye roll). No matter how I asked, or how many times, he wouldn't answer.There is no such thing as debate with them. Because they never have an answer.
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