The New York Times had an OP-ED piece today written by a former Gitmo terrorist, uh, "detainee", MOURAD BENCHELLALI. (French dude.)
This guy was whining that it wasn't physical abuse, it was the emotional, metal despair that he suffered from, that they all suffer from at Gitmo. It was bloody awful he whines. Dude, you're in PRISON. Not like you were at Margarita Rocks sampling happy hour fare.
Now, all these lefty Kool-Aid sucking f*cktards who read the piece are like FREAKIN' out that this poor guy was TORTURED!!!! Running as fast as they can to their nearest Starbucks to spread the word of "ATROCITIES" as a result if the "QUAGMIRE", that is the GWOT.
Get real. Wake up..... This guy claims the only reason he was in a Al-Quaeda training camp for eons was that his bro was a bad influence. Really... did he think he was heading to a summer camp? Then you look at his past, his family.
I found an interesting article in a French rag called Le Figaro. Seems our boy grew up embedded with a terrorist family, his father, and brother are both serving time for terrorism in France. His whole family got in on the action, mom, in-laws, you name it.
Go on Libbies, embrace this TERRORIST. He's as full of sh*t as ya'll were. You believe his line of crap I've got some land in Florida to sell you.
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