Our 1st amendment to the constitution of the U.S.A. :
Respect an establishment of religion (the "Establishment Clause");
Prohibit free exercise of religion (the "Free Exercise Clause");
Infringe the freedom of speech;
Infringe the freedom of the press;
Limit the right to assemble peaceably;
Limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
So...... I've read it all. Have you?
Through it all two things pop up that I feel are very important.
1) The right to freedom of expression is not absolute in any country; governments always prohibit certain types of expressions. (Take hate speech for example.) And there are other limitations to free speech, these being protection of the rights and reputations of others (prevention of defamation), and the protection of NATIONAL SECURITY and public order, health and morals.
2) I couldn't find one thing in there that says that just because you were able to flap your gums, that you wouldn't have to pay some kind of consequence for your actions.
So, we have....
Ward Churchill: Hey pal, when you say things like,"They were targeting those people I referred to as 'little Eichmanns.' These were legitimate targets." about 9/11 victims, expect to be fired. You can say what you like, but there can and should be consequences.
Flag Burning a-holes: Sure, burn MY flag, but please, do not expect me to not practice my freedom of asskicking. Yours.
NYT publishing secret crap: You can choose not to practice said freedom of speech. Especially when it deals with matters of NATIONAL SECURITY. All of them responsible should be fired, and tried for treason. Period.
Freedom of speech has become a joke. It's only freedom of speech if you sh*t on this country, when you hit at the current administration, or when it gets a liberal some free press. It's a joke. If it's over a cross that over 85% of the population wants to stay, then it's bad. Protect Nambla, but poop on the Boy Scouts of America. It's just sickening.
Churchill: Defamation,slander and hate speech.
Flag burning a-holes: Evil scum sucking bottom feeders, hate speech.
NYT: Treasonous, danger to society.
53 happy memories upon turning 53
1 day ago