My dog still has a shot, but I'm screwed.
Apparently, Don Goldwater, nephew of the late Sen. Barry Goldwater, caused a stir when a Mexican "news" service, quoted him as saying he wanted to hold illegals in camps to use them "as labor in the construction of a wall and to clean the areas of the Arizona desert that they're polluting." (Something the lefty environmental dipsh*t's seem to leave out when they blather about amnesty. Seen what these "immigrants" do to our land? If not, Google it today, it's disgusting.)
I agree with him, sorta, but not just illegals. All those non-violent a-holes sucking up tax dollars in prison, all those welfare-government-teet-sucking-check-cashers. All of them.
You want welfare? Great, you need to do one of those jobs I don't want to do. Why the f*ck do these people get a check every month for breeding like rabbits, while I slave for my measly wages each day? There are strawberries to be picked, get on with it.
Old Don's mistake was using the word "camp". People tend to bristle when the word "camp" is used and it's not implied that there will be weenie roasts and smores.
Prisoners stay in JAIL. If you cross the border ILLEGALLY and are apprehended before you start dropping anchor babies and foisting your "culture" down my throat in my own country, then you belong in JAIL; that is before we ship/drive your ass home. We might as well earn a buck for our trouble.
Think of all the problems this would solve? I mean what do you pay prisoners a day? 30 cents? Talk about cheap labor. Want welfare? Earn it. We don't need more people to work at Burger King, really. We don't.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm evil. But someone has to be honest.
Housing, Building Codes, and State-Level Reform
7 hours ago