So, I was thinking of analogies I could use to help Libbies understand what happened to the "W'sofMD", and here's what I came up with.
Me/I=Evil dictator of unspecified country/Saddam
Co-workers=Insurgents and evil doers
Everyone else= Everyone else
Tausha= Coalition forces
Rite-Aid=Syria etc.
Earlier this evening, there were 6 beers in my fridge. There is a single beer left, and soon, that beer will be gone. But, I will definitely get more!
I know, and my co-workers KNOW, that there is beer in my fridge all the time.
Now, maybe there isn't beer in my fridge every night. But it's there, often. So, everyone I know would say,"Jenn has beer in her fridge." Because, I usually do.
I mean I talk about beer often, and I plan to consume beer in the future. I like beer. It likes me. Hoo-Rah Beer.
So, it would be reasonable for everyone else; co-workers, and my friend Tausha to say, with A-THOR-IT-AH, that I have beer. I mean I always have beer, like beer and shop for beer often. I even made a few batches. And used them.
But.... let's say my friend Tausha came over to watch a game. She goes to the fridge, fully expecting a nice cold beer, but there are none!!!!!
"WTF!", she thinks. Jenn always has beer. Jenn always says she's going to get beer. Why the hell doesn't she have beer now that I want it.
Simple. I drank most of the beer, and the rest is at the Rite-Aid.
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