First you have Michael Moore claiming he get's all kinds of hugs from Republicans....
"Used to traveling with security and encountering a barrage of hostility, Moore said he finds people now more accepting, even to the point Republicans are spontaneously hugging him."
So, he's on drugs, obviously. I mean the only thing I'd do to him spontaneously is kick him in his....
Then we've got Willie Nelson saying the Dixie Twits, oh, sorry Chicks, got a "raw deal". Raw deal my ass, they pissed off their base and got bitch slapped. No more than they deserved.
Then, I'm reading the transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor" w/ Lauren Ingraham, where she's talking with that stupid twit Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pinko. I loathe Code Pink, but this little interchange made me loathe them all the more. This woman is clearly an idiot, I have proof:
BENJAMIN: Just because we represent now, the majority voice in the United States.
INGRAHAM: How many - oh, so Code Pink speaks to the majority of Americans?
BENJAMIN: Did you see the latest poll of the The New York Times with CBS News?
ROTFLMAO!!!! CBS!!!! LOL....N.Y.T-aliban!!! LOL. Now there's some unbiased reportin'.
Cindy Chillin' with Hugo! How's that for peaceful.
How Deporting Immigrants Harms American Workers
16 hours ago