Muzzie fun day????? They have fun????
I've been following this story for a while.In fact a contact I have in England even wrote to Alton Towers about this situation and received a cordial apology letter in return. It was laughable at best.
Seems this Muzzie group,Islamic Leisure, rented the largest amusement park in Great Britain for a day of Muzzie fun. But,"a non-Muslim couple scheduled to hold their wedding at the park's hotel complained to newspapers that event organizers told them the bride and female guests would have to cover up."
I can guarantee if someone told me I'd have had to "cover up" for my wedding there would have been some serious ass whooping.
"Islamic Leisure"? Leisure? They leisure???? When? Between bombings and beheadings they find time for leisure?
Nah, turns out,"Britain's biggest theme park has called off the country's first "National Muslim Fun Day" because of lack of interest."
Somehow,I am not shocked.
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