I think it's very important that the movie, "World Trade Center" is coming out.
I cannot imagine that any movie that is a basic replay of the events of 9/11, or some of them, any of them, could be "good" no matter how well acted because it hurts still, almost 5 years later. The story needs to be told, told again; drilled, f-ing drilled into people's minds. Because it's clearly evident to me, that many have forgotten what happened that day.
I will see it so it reminds me fully, that we are in an unasked for holy war against psychotic homicidal Islamic f*cktards with no regard for life, liberty or anyone's pursuit of happiness.
We lost more people that day than we have in over 3 years of war. More in one single hour. And lefties, one thing you always forget, is all of those people, every single one was an INNOCENT CIVILIAN, in the truest sense of the word.
They were not harboring mass murderers. They were not coming back from a meeting called "homicide bombers 101".They did not support terrorists and house them, feed them or defend them. No folks, these were innocent people to the core.
I hope this movie does well,it will restore some of the faith I had in this country. I want to see that 5 years later, the American people haven't forgotten what they promised to never forget.
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