Friday, September 01, 2006

Miller Shite

My favorite poolside summer beer is a frickin' illegal alien supportin' bunch of sell outs. Damn it to hell.

"The Chicago Tribune reports that Miller Brewing paying out $30,000 to sponsor an illegal-alien advocacy march from Chicago to Denny Hastert’s office in Batavia. Their motto: “Live responsibly.” (Perhaps that might be contradicted a bit by the illegal immigrating.) What next? The coyotes bringing illegal aliens across the border with teams of Budweiser Clydesdales?" - Source Michelle Malkin and Tim Graham

I cannot in good conscience drink their filthy piss water any more. Nope. That is unless they pull their sponsorship. Goodbye $7.99 18 packs of love. Bastards. They probably killed Kenny too.

H/T goes out to Witness

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