Usually on Friday through at least Sunday night,I ignore the news and this blog. Because often watching the news/internet/newspapers, makes me sick.
But I just had to surf around, turn on the t.v. and see these headlines, yup, I feel ill......
France Looks Into bin Laden Death Report... ***WTF???? France??? They've probably been housing OBL and didn't even know it, and they are spearheading an inquiry into OBL'S possible death? (MmMMMMmmm That would be nice.)
Clinton faults Bush for inaction on Bin Laden.....****Clinton says:"They had eight months to try, they did not try. I tried. So I tried and failed." HEY SH*THEAD!!!! YOU HAD 8 F-ING YEARS!!!!!!!
An al-Qaida-linked group posted a Web video Saturday purporting to show the bodies of two American soldiers being dragged behind a truck, then set on fire....*****Somehow this one makes me understand their need to kill.
Sept. 11 inscriptions spark outrage...."The monument was unveiled at Phoenix’s Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza near the state Capitol on the fifth anniversary of the attacks." So the thing had all these inscriptions on it, one said,"You don’t win battles of terrorism with more battles."
"Tempe resident Donna Bird, whose husband Gary was killed in the attack, was among the 30-member Arizona 9/11 Memorial Commission created by former Gov. Jane Hull in 2002."
"She said all the inscriptions were found factual by an Arizona State University history professor. She added that she wouldn’t have helped design the memorial, which names her husband, if it were political."
Really Donna, really????? You stupid cow. ASU found it "factual" that you don't win battles of terrorism with more battles?" That's fact, really? Suuuuuuure. Whatever you say.
Assessing the Nuclear Triad
23 hours ago