Saturday, October 07, 2006

United 93

I'd watched the "made for t.v." version of United 93. And that was bad, really bad.

But, I'd not been able to let myself watch the theatre version. I purchased it the day it came out, telling myself I'd watch it.....someday. Apparently today was that day.

If you want to feel:agony, anguish, anxiety, bitterness, despondency, distress, grief, heartache, hurt, malaise, misery, sadness, shock, suffering, torment, torture, woe and wretchedness, then by all means, watch this movie.

I still have red little half moons embedded in my palms from fisting my hands so hard, and I finished watching the movie a half hour ago.

At the inevitable end, I was sobbing, hyperventilating and cursing so violently at the t.v. and the sons of bitches who brought that plane and the other 3 down, that my dog left the room. I am still hiccupping a bit. That movie is foul, so very foul. The acting is brilliant and the story line gripping. But the very fact this movie was ever made is just foul.

I feel like running over the disc repeatedly with my car, then burning it. Just to get the filthy foul feeling it left in my heart out.

So, that's what I think of that movie. Who else saw it and what did you think?

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