Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why Shouldn't We Torture?

President Bush signed into law today new guidelines for interrogating and prosecuting terror suspects. Read all about it here: The Military Commissions Act

"The bill would protect detainees from blatant abuses during questioning — such as rape, torture and "cruel and inhuman" treatment".

I get the rape part,I mean come on. But, what classifies as "cruel and inhuman"? I think listening to Olbermann blathering on about all the righties he hates is torture. Seeing campaign ads with Al Gore preaching; absolutely cruel. And anything spewed from Nancy Pelosi's mouth is inhuman.

That being said, if it takes some "torture" to get a scum sucking sh*tbag terrorist to rat out his pals, then by all means, proceed. Their methods include painful removal of a victims head with a seemingly dull knife, among other things.

This is war folks, in case you'd missed the memo. If it takes some degrading humiliation, some Koran burnings or perhaps some underwear on their heads to get a clear picture on a dirty bomb plot, I say go for it. Big dogs yapping in their faces, leashes and sleep deprivation, if that's what it takes to get these roaches to squeal about plans to blow up a subway, have at it I say.

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