Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Proverbial Shite Hath Hit-eth The Fan

1)Iran Says Nuke Program Is Near Complete: Yeah!!! Let's let Iran have nukes. Cool. Say Israel, it was nice knowing you.

2)SHOCKING I TELL YOU!!! "days after Democrats capture Congress claiming they wouldn't raise taxes, former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin tells them they should do so anyway."

3)Fence along Mexico border, just like the Berlin wall!!! Inhuman.****NEWSFLASH**** The Berlin wall separated a single country. The border fence would keep NON CITIZENS AND CRIMINALS out of our country. Big difference.

4)Blair has finally cracked and is showing his delusional side! "Mr Blair said there could be a new partnership with Iran if it stopped supporting terrorism in Iraq and gave up its nuclear ambitions." Sorry Blair, but in case you haven't heard, see #1.

5) Last but in no way least: Apparently the word "Balls" is a bleepable offense on Fox News. Hmmm... very telling.

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