Fox News Headline: Biden Talks Trash
MSNBC: Biden: I'm running in '08
So, Biden says, in regard to Barack Obama that he is,"the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.... I mean, that’s a storybook, man"
Imagine say, Bill O'Reilly said it. Or Giuliani, or McCain, or WTF, any person in the Republican party. That would be HEADLINE NEWS on the level of Foley, for weeks. I mean I am so un-P.C. it's not funny, and yet even I find the comment hard to take. Nope, no hypocritical lefty liberal bias in the media, no way!
Someone want to tell Biden about: Oprah,Rice,Powell,Martin Luther King, Jr., Bill Cosby etc., etc. etc......
On a side note.....can ANYONE!!!!! tell me why Obama is considered "black". Wasn't his mom white? Wouldn't he then be considered a Mulatto?
Merry Christmas 2024
1 day ago