I have been receiving requests to consider banning certain individuals who shall remain nameless from this blog.
I understand these requests 100%. In fact, I have toyed around with the idea myself. I feel each and every one of you. I feel your frustration, believe me, I do, so very much. Especially when said individuals add nothing to debate, say nothing with meaning and are themselves shallow, narcissistic shells of humanity.
But, I won't do it. To do so compromises the very essence of this blog. You, my readers, tell me how I can stand up against the left, the hypocrisy of the biased media, the one sided, slanted, narrow-minded,partisan, sectarian, small-minded, twisted, unfair, warped minds of the left and then do what they do?
In that I would be as guilty as they are of selectively limiting freedom of speech. Of CHERRY PICKING an American individuals right to speak, even if they are total and complete f*cktards. I'd be as guilty as those who want us all to become pinko commie's in a hell hole enshrouded by politically correct rat droppings on our freedom.
I can't and I won't. I'm not being obstinate, I being AMERICAN. I hope you understand and continue to come here and feel free to speak freely, without restraint.
Remember my mission statement, it's located at the top of this blog.
2 hours ago