I have been receiving requests to consider banning certain individuals who shall remain nameless from this blog.
I understand these requests 100%. In fact, I have toyed around with the idea myself. I feel each and every one of you. I feel your frustration, believe me, I do, so very much. Especially when said individuals add nothing to debate, say nothing with meaning and are themselves shallow, narcissistic shells of humanity.
But, I won't do it. To do so compromises the very essence of this blog. You, my readers, tell me how I can stand up against the left, the hypocrisy of the biased media, the one sided, slanted, narrow-minded,partisan, sectarian, small-minded, twisted, unfair, warped minds of the left and then do what they do?
In that I would be as guilty as they are of selectively limiting freedom of speech. Of CHERRY PICKING an American individuals right to speak, even if they are total and complete f*cktards. I'd be as guilty as those who want us all to become pinko commie's in a hell hole enshrouded by politically correct rat droppings on our freedom.
I can't and I won't. I'm not being obstinate, I being AMERICAN. I hope you understand and continue to come here and feel free to speak freely, without restraint.
Remember my mission statement, it's located at the top of this blog.
Government Racial Categories Are (at Best) Pointless
17 hours ago