far from reality does one think the picture below really is? Hilary and Osama? Not as far as you'd think.
Enter Abdurahman Alamoudi:
***Founder and executive director of the American Muslim Council
***Islamic affairs advisor for the Clinton administration
***Arrested in 2003 for terrorist fundraising
Islamic affairs advisor for the Clinton administration you say! No wonder Clintoon never popped Osama.
"In the late 1990’s, Alamoudi was granted the privilege of selecting Muslim chaplains for the military. His goal was to inject America’s armed forces with a dose of Wahhabi Sunnism, the extremist Islamic dogma that advocates violence against America and its allies. Among the chaplains Alamoudi hired was James Yee, who worked with al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, and who was arrested in 2003 on suspicion of espionage."
Nice guy.
"Abdurahman Alamoudi, President of the AMC, supporter of Hamas, Hezbollah and accused of ties with Osama bin Laden, helped develop "Religious Expression in Public School" with the ACLU. Launched by Clinton in 1995, these "Presidential Guidelines" greatly impact public schools today." It was these guidelines that has banned Nativity scenes and Christmas Break from public schools; while allowing bullshit like requiring students to attend an intensive three-week course on Islam including mandated study of the tenets of Islam, the important people of Islam, wearing of a robe, adopting a Moslem name, and staging their own Jihad.
Additionally, Clinton went beyond the ACLU copyright guidelines and added:
"Students generally do not have a Federal right to be excused from lessons that may be inconsistent with their religious beliefs or practices."said Clinton. Pay attention folks. There goes your freedom of religion.
The Clintons hosted this dude and his buddies so many times, he probably had his own key to the front door of the White House.
" an audiotape of a conversation obtained by NBC News, Alamoudi seems to embrace violence and suggests al-Qaida should choose better targets: (Translated)"I prefer to hit a Zionist target in America or Europe or elsewhere."
Or how about this one...."I think if we are outside this country, we can say, 'Oh, Allah, destroy America,' but once we are here, our mission in this country is to change it."
Last but not least..."We are all supporters of Hamas . . . I am also a supporter of Hezbollah." This guy paraded about as a "moderate" Muzzie.
This a-hole is in jail now....but one should consider that the Clinton's had very close ties with this man for years. And now Hilary is running for President.
Friday, February 23, 2007
The Clinton's Ties To Terrorists
Posted by Unknown at 2/23/2007 08:19:00 AM
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