Look, I've not entered the Global Warming debate because frankly, I am not a scientist, nor am I a meteorologist. I seem to recall not long ago the big hoopla was Global Cooling.
Are humans wreaking irreparable harm to mother earth? Yes. Could we all do more to conserve natural resources,protect endangered species, wetlands, habitats and control population growth and urban sprawl? Yes.
That being said WTF is it with the level of hysteria being wrought by those that believe Global Warming is here to stay? I'm not saying it is or isn't. As I said above I am niether a scientist or a meteorologist, but holy crap, these wankers are hard core.....need an example?
"A nice, soft fluffy coat is of little use to a hedgehog.
But poor old Glen is having to make do without any prickles - apparently thanks to global warming.
Vets believe his freak appearance was caused by the stress of missing out on his winter hibernation." Source
Look, I may not be a scientist, but ONE hedgehog sans prickles does not a epidemic make. Seriously. Chill out folks, keep your heads and look for solutions, not psychosis. Nutters.