My husband has been watching The O'Reilly Factor lately. He's hardly into politics, I mean he can't even vote being the holder of a green card. So, I find it interesting that he has started watching Bill's show. I rarely watch it, so he didn't get it from me.
Last night he came downstairs, where I was throwing some darts and said, "Hey, Whoopi Goldberg is going to be on the O'Reilly show, should be interesting, 'eh?"
So, I sat there with him and watched it. I like Whoopi, she is the epitome of "politically incorrect". I do not in the least bit agree with her on most issues, but she tells it like it is, and that you've got to respect.
Whoopi summed up the political stance of the leftards so well, I thought I'd share with those of you who missed it.It's in regard to the Moonbats on Parade last weekend. Tim Robbins was asked a question by a Fox reporter and instead of answering it, he said,"Go enlist". Baghdad Jane said it was "our fault" 3 million Vietnamese died after we left Vietnam. Bill said, these people are being irresponsible when they ramble and can't back it up. I agree, Whoopi didn't.
There's no transcript, so I have to quote from the video.
Whoopi said,"I don't have to justify my opinion."
Bill said something like,"But, if you are reaching millions, like Sarandon, Robbins, Fonda,and yourself, you should be able to answer questions and be knowledgeable. I (Bill)like to deal in facts."
Whoopi said in return,"If you want to go get lots of facts, that's fine, I go with my heart."
And that folks is the underlying problem. Hey, we all get emotional, but if you are someone like Robbins and you are telling thousands of people everyday that this war is bad etc., etc., and you can't answer a single basic policy question, we've got issues.
Opinion is fine, but when you are dealing with such important matters, it's crucial to have an opinion based on FACT. Without some actual relevacy or factual source for your opinion, you are nothing but a raving nut job with no point whatsoever.
Watch the video, Whoopi held up well against Bill, but he pretty much nailed her.
Your Body, Their Rules
56 minutes ago