UPDATE: Iran has kidnapped British soldiers before:"There were hopes that the situation could be resolved as it was in 2004 when eight Royal Marines and sailors were abducted in similar circumstances by the Iranians. The men were paraded on television and made to “apologise” but were eventually freed." Iran Sucks.
"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cancels planned visit to the United Nations. Iran says visas for the crew of his airplane were not issued in time."
Yeah, that's it for sure.
Drudge still says:"FLASH: IRANIAN PRESIDENT AHMADINEJAD HAS FILED FLIGHT PLAN TO NYC...EXPECTED TO ARRIVE 1AM SAT., WILL REMAIN THROUGH WEEKEND.." So what happened in the last 24 hours....let me think.......
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1.Iran Sucks Donkey Balls - Screw Politically Correct B.S.
The most politically incorrect blog in the blogosphere. ... Iran Sucks Donkey Balls. Ask yourself why? "Iran stopped UN inspectors from visiting an underground ...takeastandagainstliberals.blogspot.com/2007/03/... - 23k - Cached - More from this site
I'm number 1!!!!!!!! Take that Iran, you suck!!!!
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1 day ago