Support the Troops:"Monday night at the Army recruiting center near the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee campus, protesters broke a window and threw smoke bombs, paint and human excrement, police said.The protesters ranged in age from 13 to 24"
Ah let the indoctrination of hate begin.
Support the Troops:By burning them in effigy.
They play musical instruments:"Peace" activists armed with poetry occupied the Capitol Hill office of Rep. Chris Van Hollen, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Tuesday to protest Democrats’ support for a bill funding the Iraq war. They camped out in his office for nearly eight hours, reading verse and reciting the names and biographies of soldiers killed in Iraq, punctuating each by banging on a gong they had brought with them."
Yes, bang that gong in support of de-funding the troops. Way to support them!
53 happy memories upon turning 53
9 hours ago