Oh yeah, there he is with that sh*t eating grin. So kind and magnanimous, freeing those British soldiers as a "GIFT" to England and claiming to be "saddened that the British invaded Iranian territorial waters (even though they DIDN'T.)
I am very happy the soldiers are being freed. But this sets a dangerous precedence. Iran not only illegally kidnapped these soldiers, they shamelessly paraded them about on TV and they pay no price. They continue to thumb their noses at the UN....they continue to build nukes.....they continue to sponsor terrorism, stone women to death and hang young men simply for being gay. They are renegade nut jobs allowed to act out with no consequences. And when I say THEY I mean the government.
I mean he went so far as to give frickin' awards to the militia nutters who illegally arrested the sailors in the first place. You godda be kidding me!
This isn't diplomacy at work, this is a raving psycho who got his way and continues to do so.....at who's peril?
Iran Sucks.
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12 hours ago