UPDATED: The psycho "truthers" are on fire.....this truck explosion was a government conspiracy!!!!!
It's disgusting ho hear Katie Couric say that the steel beams melted from the fire.
evilisgood | 04.30.07 - 8:26 pm | #
The Media Mafia was handed their script comparing it to WTC and listing alleged "melting points of steel" and alleged temps of burning gasoline (falsely listing the temperature when under 12:1 compression in a steel engine that never melts, rather than the temp without compressed pure oxygen). Circumstantial evidence proves this is a Pentagon psyop "wargame drill"
http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/ object...MNGK8PI1CI1.DTL
PirateNews.org/911con.html | Homepage | 04.30.07 - 9:07 pm | #
Tip of the iceburg... but entertaining to read, or scary.
If there is "no way!" massive speeding jets and their fuel and the ensuing fires caused the Twin Towers to fall on 9/11, because as Rosie O'D. said,"I do believe that it’s the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel."......
Then how the fuck did this happen? You know if it's like, ya know, like so far fetched.
"...was destroyed early Sunday when the heat of a burning gasoline tanker truck weakened part of one overpass, crumpling it onto another..."
"The sight of the soaring freeway twisted into a fractured mass of steel and concrete.."
Hmmm melted steel.... and here we thought that was impossible.
HT - C.I.R. [Conservative Intelligence Report]/MDConservative
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