Saturday, May 12, 2007


Freedom of speech in under attack by the left wing politically correct psychopaths. In an effort to never offend a living soul on earth, two more radio personalities have been canned.

"The Dog House with JV and Elvis," hosted by Jeff Vandergrift and Dan Lay, "will no longer be broadcast," CBS Radio spokeswoman Karen Mateo said Saturday.
The cancellation of the show on WFNY-FM, nearly three weeks after the hosts were suspended, was another indication of the increased scrutiny on radio hosts and the heightened management sensitivity to complaints in the wake of the Imus firing."

Sensitivity? WTF. When did the real world become a haven of touchy feely BS? Makes me want to puke.

"Vandergrift and Lay broadcast a call to a Chinese restaurant in which the caller, in an exaggerated accent, placed an order for "shrimp flied lice," claimed he was a student of kung fu, and compared menu items to employees' body parts.

The initial airing of the call went unnoticed, but a rebroadcast after Imus's firing prompted an outcry from Asian-American groups.

"This is a victory not only for the Asian-American community, but for all communities who find themselves constant targets of racist and sexist programming," said Jeanette Wang, an executive with the Organization of Chinese Americans."

Suck it slant eye, you had no problem letting Rosie stay on after her Ching Chang Chong debacle. SCREW P.C.B.S.!!!!!!!!!

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