Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I'm Pro-Responsibility

I'm not pro-abortion and lean closer to anti-abortion, what I really am is pro-responsibility. If people would practice abstinence or safe sex, then abortion would become a thing of the past. Little babies would not be killed on a daily basis and the trauma of the experience on women would cease to exist. I still think it is necessary in some circumstances, such as rape, incest or disease. But that's it.

One of the arguments out there is parental notification. I strongly believe than any CHILD under the age of 18 should be required to have parental notification. If not a parent then some other ADULT of responsible stature. No exceptions. So it was with glee I see that PP was popped by an under cover sting. (H/T Michelle Malkin)
planned parenthood

More HERE and HERE.

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