Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Turn About Is Fair Play

"An American member of Al Qaeda warned President Bush on Tuesday to end U.S. involvement in all Muslim lands or face an attack worse than the Sept. 11 attacks, according to a new videotape.

"Your failure to heed our demands ... means that you and your people will ... experience things which will make you forget all about the horrors of September 11th, Afghanistan and Iraq and Virginia Tech,"

Reeeeaaallllyyyy? All right then, I say we pull on out, give him what he wants. Pull all of our guy and gals out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, wherever we are, all out. All aid stopped, all peace keeping forces out, all contractors out, all police out, everybody out.

Then of course I shall also demand that every fucking muzzie in western lands return from whence they came. Every single one of them. No more students, no more muzzies coming here on vacation, no more mosques being built, no more foot washing stations and no more cab drivers refusing to take passengers. No more ramming the Koran down the throats of our kids. Every single solitary muzzie who is in the West MUST RETURN to the ME or the country from which they originated.

See now wouldn't that be nice? Think of the ramifications. We will cease all use of ME oil, their infrastructure will collapse, they will turn on each other and continue the genocide and we'll all cry about it as we watch it from the comfort of our living rooms. No more "cultural sensitivity" needed folks, they'll all be gone. No more air passengers subjected to dry runs(flight 327). No more checkers refusing to ring up your bacon. We can make pork our national meat. Ah....I like this plan already.

Now, someone go get Adam a nice greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray.

No more of this, in our streets:

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