Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Another Media Crock Of Bull Puckey

I love how they, the media, use words like "person of interest" or "Somali pirates" when they really mean SUSPECT and MUZZIES.

"The U.S. Navy has fired warning shots across the bow of a Dutch ship that has been boarded by armed pirates off the coast of Somalia, FOX News has learned." Hmmmm we know the muzzies love the Dutch. We know Somalia is primarily muzzies and those that are armed are even more likely to be muzzies.

Now, here's how the story should be written:"The U.S. Navy has fired warning shots across the bow of a Dutch ship that has been HIJACKED by MUZZIE TERRORISTS off the coast of Somalia, A MUZZIE STRONGHOLD, FOX News has learned." See now that there is some accuracy in reporting.