I just did the rounds of the MSM, checking on any updates on the terrorists attacks in London and Fox News had this as it's headline: 'We Won't Live Scared'
Who the hell is scared?
I am scared of a few things. Scorpions. They freak the ever living crap out of me. Don't know why, but the little shizznets give me the heebies. Miramar Rd. scares me; drive on it at rush hour and I'll need not explain. The thought of coming down with hemorrhagic fever freaks me out, but is highly unlikely.I'm scared that people think that just because they didn't succeed that it's "NO BIG DEAL". I tend to be claustrophobic.
But really, not much scares me. Certainly not terrorists bent on killing the ever loving shit out of me and mine. Nope. I'm actually not in any way being sarcastic. It's not that I don't think it could happen; as obviously displayed today they mean to turn the West into Baghdad. But really what the hell can I do about it?
Nope, not fear, more like vigilance. I see a bunch of dudes in a car filled with gas and nails....I'll look twice. I see an apartment with no furniture and 6 guys all looking decidedly middle eastern and about 10 computers (true story), I'll alert the FBI(I did). I'm on a plane and a bunch of Imam's start yelling Osama, I'll certainly be watching them and telling the crew that this shit is whack. That's about all I can do. It's about all any of us can do.
So no, we don't have to live "scared", just live smart.
"I know you can't live your life being scared," Natalie Huntley, 28, a tourist from Adelaide, Australia, said outside St. Paul's Cathedral even as police investigated another suspicious vehicle parked on nearby Fleet Street. "You've just got to keep going, don't you?"
Friday, June 29, 2007
'We Won't Live Scared'
Posted by Unknown at 6/29/2007 08:01:00 PM
Labels: Muzzie nut jobs, Terrorists
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