Start the "Leftard's claim they were just gullible kids who meant no harm or small time nobodies with no plans" countdown. Tick Tock.
Here's the synopsis:
Three muzzie scum bags were arrested and one other is on the loose in connection to a plot to blow up jet-fuel lines at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
Three suspects are in custody: Russell Defreitas, Kareem Ibrihim and Abdul Kadir. Another suspect, Abdul Nur is still at large.
Hmmm these guys are out of Guyana and Trinadad. But John Edwards has told us THERE IS NO GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR.
"Defreitas exulted over JFK airport’s symbolic importance, according to a U.S. Justice Department complaint:
"Anytime you hit Kennedy, it is the most hurtful thing to the United States. To hit John F. Kennedy, wow .... They love John F. Kennedy like he’s the man .... If you hit that, this whole country will be in mourning. It’s like you can kill the man twice."
Perttu v. Richards
14 hours ago