They are so mentally challenged, that at this point it's like looking at sea monkeys.
"Democratic presidential candidates clashed on Sunday over whether the Bush administration had made the country safer from terrorism after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001."
Well let me just state the clear and obvious: WE HAVE NOT BEEN ATTACKED SINCE 9/11.
Osama chimes in with:"We live in a more dangerous world partly as a consequence of this president's actions"
Reeeeeaaaaly asswipe? When was the last time Bush flew planes into massive sky scrapers? Or bombed marine barracks? Or blew a hole in the side of the USS Cole? Because Bush chose to fight back, FINALLY, it's our fault kids in Thailand are being killed by muzzies? All right Osama, oooopppsss, Obama, keep your head firmly planted up your ass, it looks good there.
Hillary, in true form, neither confirmed nor denied. Anything.
Edwards? "Called President Bush's global war on terrorism a "political slogan, a bumper sticker, that's all it is"....really? See my answer to Osama above.
"To a question on whether English should be the official language in the United States, only former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel raised his hand in the affirmative.{Like him.}
But Obama protested the question itself, calling it "the kind of question that was designed precisely to divide us." He said such questions "do a disservice to the American people."
"Applicants for naturalization must be able to read, write, speak, and understand words in ordinary usage in the English language." Maybe these idiots need to EDUCATE themselves.
Nothing to see here folks move along, Leftards still don't "get" this country.
Perttu v. Richards
9 hours ago