Thursday, June 07, 2007

One Time Only: I Agree With Al Sharpton

paris hilton,whiner,prison,hollyweird
On Paris "Whiney Ass Baby" Hilton being released VERY early from prison.

"this early release gives all of the appearances of economic and racial favoritism that is constantly cited by poor people and people of color. There are any number of cases of people who handle being incarcerated badly and even have health conditions that are not released.

I have served several sentences for civil rights and civil disobedience actions and I even fasted which caused health concerns to prison authorities who paid for a doctor to come see me daily rather than release me. This act smacks of the double standards that many of us raise." - Al Sharpton.

Just this once, I will agree with him. Not so much on the race card crap, but that Hollyweirdians as a whole get preferential treatment and that goes against everything this country stands for. 'Side' that, it's a total crock of poopy.