The fact that it isn't disgusts me on about 5 million levels.
Why did Cherry Hill, New Jersey Chief of Police Charlie Jones not report the three men arrested for a terror plot at Fort Dix to Homeland Security? Good question.
I happened to catch a couple of minutes of Bill O'Reilly's show tonight, Monday. He was talking about the Fort Dix 6. The part that caught my attention was when someone was talking to Papa Duka, the father of three of the men charged in the potential slaughter of hundreds of our soldiers at Fort Dix.
Mr. Duka, on camera for all to see told his story of how he and his family came to be in the US. All I caught was the part where he said they flew from Italy, to Mexico City, to Monterrey, then from there he "paid a guy several thousand dollars" to smuggle them across the border. Down here in San Diego, we call those guys coyotes, and they smuggle human refuse into this country along with drugs.
Can someone answer Bill's question? Why didn't Charlie Jones turn these vile pieces of illegal criminal invading scum over to authorities? And why the hell were these people allowed to stay in this country illegally, racking up at the very least, last time I heard, over 50 vehicle violations alone. On top of being CRIMINAL INVADERS.
Some tough questions and they are of vital importance if we are going to keep the fight over there, and not here.
Perttu v. Richards
22 hours ago